by Ben | Aug 2, 2018 | Parents, Self-Esteem
As a tutor, I see first hand that confidence plays a key in the success our children have, both socially and academically. In fact, instilling self-belief is absolutely necessary if we are to make any progress with students acquiring any literacy or numeracy...
by Ben | Jan 28, 2017 | Effective Learning, Motivation, Parents, Self-Esteem, Uncategorized
Waking up early, packing the bag, arriving at school on time and getting homework finished. It all starts again in less than a week! Surely there must be a better way than getting through it all than last year? There are plenty of sites that will help you ‘de-stress...
by Ben | May 4, 2015 | Motivation, Parents, Self-Esteem
“I know he can do it. He just isn’t motivated.” This is a phrase I seem to hear on a daily basis. As parents we obviously want our children to achieve in life to the best of their ability, so it can be incredibly frustrating when we see them perform at a level...
by Ben | Jan 21, 2015 | News, Self-Esteem, Teaching, Testing
With another New Year come new challenges, changes and opportunities. Since last year’s NAPLAN results there has been a lot of talk about what should be done to improve standards in this state. While the education system has been flailing in recent years, the...
by Ben | Aug 25, 2014 | Self-Esteem, Teaching
You know the scenario. The latest picture is presented to you. It has long thin legs and fuzzy blue hair. If you’re lucky, you’ll be told whether it’s you or a rabbit. Make sure you have a think about that squiggle of yellow in the top right corner, because what...
by Ben | Jul 28, 2014 | Self-Esteem, Teaching
Stigma I find it interesting that at parties it is quite common to hear someone say; “I was never good at Maths.” It seems there is no embarrassment associated with this statement at all. It would be highly unlikely, though, that somebody would be comfortable...