Springtime Goalsetting

Springtime Goalsetting

It’s the first day of September and sure enough, the sun is shining.  While the temperature is just in the high teens and if I’m honest I do still feel a twinge of jealousy at the 30 degree forecast where my parents live up in Cairns, I think wearing a t-shirt...
Learning for retention

Learning for retention

Your child walks through the door and you ask, “So, what did you do at school today?” to which you usually get a response of “Not much” or something similar.  While you might just think that he/she is typically absent-minded the truth is that we only retain a small...
How to motivate your child

How to motivate your child

“I know he can do it.  He just isn’t motivated.”  This is a phrase I seem to hear on a daily basis.  As parents we obviously want our children to achieve in life to the best of their ability, so it can be incredibly frustrating when we see them perform at a level...