Raising confident kids

Raising confident kids

As a tutor, I see first hand that confidence plays a key in the success our children have, both socially and academically.  In fact, instilling self-belief is absolutely necessary if we are to make any progress with students acquiring any literacy or numeracy...
How to motivate your child

How to motivate your child

“I know he can do it.  He just isn’t motivated.”  This is a phrase I seem to hear on a daily basis.  As parents we obviously want our children to achieve in life to the best of their ability, so it can be incredibly frustrating when we see them perform at a level...
New Maths techniques – video samples

New Maths techniques – video samples

I often have requests from parents as to the best approach they should take with their children when helping with homework.  This is a valid question, as using an ‘old’ technique might result in a correct answer, but it could also lead to quite a lot of...